Thursday, December 13, 2012

Well...  a little bit of an update.  I have decided to just go to CTNX next year as a professional but not exhibit.  I am giving myself the extra time needed to get a great sketchbook done to sell instead of rushing through it and hoping to get funded on kickstarter.  I am still going to do kickstarter but in 2014 when a ton of work is done to my level of quality.  You fans deserve nothing less!  You will still get updates and samples as they get done but the book will be worth the wait!  I promise.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hello all!   Well I am back from CTNX and it was awesome.  Met some great fellow professionals and have started following their blogs...  I urge you all to check them out via the links to the right.  Brett Bean, Justin Rodrigues...  so many more.  All wonderful artists and incredibly nice human beings.   I will be posting more frequently now as I am completely motivated to kick character design booty.  (Argh!)   So be prepared.  I am also prepping myself to get work done for a kickstarter project to go to CTNX next year as an exhibitor and sell sketch books!    Look for the announcement!